how are wafers made

how are wafers made

  Through the straight drawing method (CZ) or the cutting-edge floating zone method (FZ) technology, in a precisely controlled temperature gradient and pure environment, the seed crystals are slowly stretched and crystallized, starting with the seed crystals, and ultimately condensing into a perfect monocrystalline silicon column. This process is the ultimate demonstration of the art of temperature and environmental control. The monocrystalline column is precisely cut into thin slices, a process that is given a new lease on life – wafer cutting, where diamond wire saws, with their sharpness and precision, give each wafer its initial form. The surface of the wafer has gone through a magnificent transformation from rough to delicate, grinding and polishing process, not only to remove the traces of cutting, but also gives the wafer a mirror-like smoothness and luster.

how are wafers made

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