sic wafer manufacturing process

sic wafer manufacturing process

 Diversified specifications of monocrystalline wafers
Our monocrystalline wafers utilize advanced growth technologies, including straight drawing (CZ) and zone fusion (FZ), to ensure material stability and reliability.

In terms of size, we offer conventional sizes from 2″ to 12″, as well as special non-standard diameters and shaped wafers to meet the needs of different equipment and applications.
In terms of surface treatment, we offer a wide range of options such as single polishing, double polishing, and grinding to meet customers’ different requirements for wafer surface finish and roughness.

In terms of crystal orientation, we offer <100>, <111>, <110> crystal orientation as well as off-angle and special crystal orientation to meet the needs of specific applications for crystal structure.

sic wafer manufacturing process

what is silicon substrate