sic wafer price

sic wafer price

sic wafer price :  single crystal silicon wafers and semiconductor device manufacturing

Monocrystalline silicon wafer manufacturing process requires high precision and purity. Pure silicon is extracted from the silicon ore, refined through multiple processes, and ultimately formed into monocrystalline silicon rods.

The monocrystalline silicon rods are then cut into thin wafers, which we call monocrystalline silicon wafers.
On the wafer, circuit patterns are transferred to the surface of the wafer through photolithography to form a precise circuit layout.

Subsequently, specific types of atoms are injected into the wafer using ion implantation technology to change the electrical properties of the wafer and form the desired semiconductor device. Finally, excess wafer material is removed by etching and other processes to form a complete integrated circuit.

sic wafer price

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