substrate silicon

substrate silicon

 First, silicon as a substrate material preferred basis in the grand blueprint of semiconductor technology, the substrate silicon wafer as the cornerstone, the choice is critical. Silicon is the preferred material because of its unique semiconductor properties, high purity and uniformity standards, mature manufacturing process system, a wide range of applications and significant cost-effectiveness. Precise control of semiconductor properties: Silicon has a moderate conductivity, and through precise control of doping elements (e.g., phosphorus, boron), the type of conductivity (p-type or n-type) can be flexibly adjusted to lay the foundation for building complex electronic structures. Stringent requirements for high purity and homogeneity: In order to ensure that device performance is not interfered by impurities, silicon wafers need to meet extremely high purity standards (≥99.9999%), while maintaining a high degree of physical and chemical consistency, which is particularly critical for the manufacture of large-scale integrated circuits.

substrate silicon

what is silicon substrate